This website is edited by the company CPIGLOBAL.
SAS paid-up capital of 3 536 355 € – Head Office : 34 rue du Ballon – 93165 NOISY LE GRAND – Phone. : +331 48 15 96 00 – RCS Bobigny B 329 163 455
Hosting : OVH – SAS OVH, 2 rue Kellerman – 59100 ROUBAIX France
No personal information is collected without your knowledge. The information you give us during a contact by mail, phone, e-mail or form is intended solely for the administrative and commercial processing of your request by CPIGLOBAL.
They are not the subject of any transfer to third parties. CPIGLOBAL treats information about you with the utmost confidentiality.
In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” n°78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and oppose personal data concerning you. To exercise it, we only have to ask us in writing.
The entire content of this website, in particular domain name, trademarks, logo, text… is the property of CPIGLOBAL, it is protected by the laws in force of French legislation on intellectual property.
If it seems to you that a photograph on the site violates an intellectual property right, we thank you for letting us know.
Nothing on this site may be copied, reproduced, diverted or distorted, and this, on any medium whatsoever, without constituting an act of infringement within the meaning of articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Access to the site
The user of this site acknowledges that they have the skills and means necessary to access and use this site. CPIGLOBAL shall not be held liable for items outside its control and for any damages that may be suffered by the user’s technical environment, including computers, software, network equipment and any other hardware used to access or use the service and/or information.
It is recalled that fraudulently accessing or maintaining oneself in a computer system, impeding or distorting the operation of such a system, fraudulently introducing or modifying data into a computer system constitutes offences punishable by criminal penalties.
Limitation of Liability
CPIGLOBAL is committed to providing regularly updated information. However, erroneous information or omissions can be found, in particular due to errors in input or layout. If you do so, we invite you to inform us so that we can rectify them.
We also reserve the right to modify the information provided by this site, as part of our data updating and updating operations, without prior notice.
The hypertext links implemented on this website, to other websites and/or personal pages and in general to any existing resources on the Internet, cannot be held liable for CPIGLOBAL.
Similarly, CPIGLOBAL can in no way be held responsible for sites that have a hypertext link to this site and declines any responsibility for their content and use.